
The Pharmacy Authorized Representative may log into the REMS portal to complete certification. Once certified, use the portal to invite authorized staff members to manage REMS tasks and patients.

Pharmacy Login

NOTE: This portal cannot be opened in Internet Explorer (IE) or the legacy version of Microsoft Edge available before 2020. The portal can be opened in the version of Microsoft Edge available in January 2020. You can also copy and paste the link into a different browser.

To become certified in the CAMZYOS® REMS, pharmacies must:


Designate an authorized representative to complete the certification process and oversee implementation and compliance with the REMS on behalf of the pharmacy.


Have the authorized representative do the following:

A.Complete the CAMZYOS REMS training program, which includes reviewing the following materials:

B.Successfully complete the Pharmacy Authorized Representative Knowledge Assessment and submit it to the REMS

C.Enroll in the CAMZYOS REMS on behalf of the pharmacy by completing the Pharmacy Enrollment Form and submitting it to the REMS

D.Train all relevant staff involved in dispensing CAMZYOS using the Program Overview and the Education Program for Healthcare Providers and Pharmacies


Before dispensing each dose of CAMZYOS

A.Counsel the patient on drug-drug interactions and review all prescription and nonprescription medications and supplements with the patient. Complete and submit the Drug Interaction and Counseling Checklist for Pharmacies to the REMS

B.Document the prescribed dose

C.Obtain authorization to dispense each CAMZYOS prescription by contacting the CAMZYOS REMS online or calling the REMS Call Center at 833-628-7367833-628-7367 to verify that the:

  1. Prescriber is certified and the patient is enrolled
  2. Healthcare provider has authorized the patient to receive the drug, the patient was counseled, and the pharmacy identified and resolved any drug-drug interactions

D.Provide the patient with the Patient Brochure


Dispense no more than a 35-day supply of CAMZYOS.


For patients who delay treatment initiation up to 90 days from Patient Enrollment Form submission: Assess the patient’s treatment start date. Document and submit the new start date using the REMS website.


Report any adverse events of heart failure due to systolic dysfunction to Bristol Myers Squibb.


Any time the authorized representative changes, the new authorized representative must:

A.Successfully complete the Pharmacy Authorized Representative Knowledge Assessment

B.Complete and submit the Pharmacy Enrollment Form to the CAMZYOS REMS to re-certify the pharmacy to dispense

The CAMZYOS REMS will send confirmation of the pharmacy’s enrollment in the CAMZYOS REMS. A pharmacy will not be able to dispense CAMZYOS without completing pharmacy certification in the CAMZYOS REMS. If the pharmacy fails to comply with the CAMZYOS REMS requirements, the pharmacy will no longer be certified in the CAMZYOS REMS.

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